Disclosure Policy

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Fundamental stance

OJR strives to carry out highly transparent asset management and properly discloses information speedily, accurately, and fairly, always with the unitholder in mind.

Internal system

OJR entrusts operations related to the timely disclosure of information include in asset management (hereinafter; “information disclosure operations”) to OJR’s Asset Management Company. OJR has requested that the Asset Management Company establish an internal system that makes it possible for the proper disclosure of accurate and fair information in a timely manner, always from the perspective of unitholders. Based on this request, the Asset Management Company established “Regulations on the Disclosure of Information in Compliance with Laws” (hereinafter; “Information Disclosure Regulations”) and a department responsible for information disclosure operations, and aims to make proper disclosure of information.

Information Disclosure Regulations specify types of information disclosed by the Asset Management Company, including information about OJR. These regulations are intended to establish a common awareness of the importance of information applicable for disclosure among executives and employees of the Asset Management Company, and to ensure that important information on OJR (including important disclosure documents and details of press releases in accordance with regulations for listing stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange) is provided to the department in charge of information disclosure. In cases where executives and employees of the Asset Management Company obtain important information on OJR’s asset management, finances, accounting or compliance, this information will immediately be provided to the department responsible for information disclosure in accordance with Information Disclosure Regulations.
Additionally, when such important information is disclosed by the department responsible, details of such disclosure are approved by the Representative Director or other parties in accordance with Information Disclosure Regulations to ensure proper information disclosure.


OJR carries out information disclosure in accordance with the following laws. Additionally, information considered not applicable to the disclosure matters according to the following laws but which is deemed as impacting the investment decision of unitholders is disclosed as quickly as possible in an accurate and fair manner.

■Laws used as a basis for information disclosure

  • The Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, Companies Act, other laws as well as rules, cabinet orders and ordinances related to such.
  • Regulations stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other self-regulatory bodies.
  • Rules, regulations and guidelines stipulated by OJR’s Asset Management Company.


Information considered to be a matter stipulated for timely disclosure in the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s “Securities Listing Regulations” is disclosed according to these regulations using the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information that is made public is published immediately on OJR’s website. When disclosing information not considered to be a matter stipulated for timely disclosure in the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s “Securities Listing Regulations,” such information is given to unitholders as soon as possible in an accurate and fair manner through appropriate means based on the intent of timely disclosure.